
Browsing Archive: June, 2009

The story

Posted by Ben Rose on Tuesday, June 30, 2009,
I was having fun outside until.......... it started raining!
I asked my mom if we could go shopping.
She said: Why would ask such a thing when Im in this condition!?!? She had a fever of 103.0 degrees.
You should know better. You are grounded. For how long? 1 month.
I tried to defend myself by saying: I didn't do anything wrong:(
She said: Talking back! 2 months
3 months!!!
I went to my room without a fuss. I knew if I spoke another word I might get a year of grounding.
I sat in my room...

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What's so special about this site?

Posted by Ben Rose on Tuesday, June 30, 2009,
Why this site is so special is anyones guess. But I will reveal the answer for all you special viewers out there. There are 2 reasons, one is sure to please you. 1-The Manager of personally contacted me saying that this is the best site ever. 2-All of you viewers have helped encouraged me to make the a great site and you should be proud of all your support. Thank you all for reading my blog post and all your great support.
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